Installing Lego Mindstorm NXT Fantom Driver on 64bit-Windows

If you try to install the Lego NXT-Fantom Driver (which is necessary to install Lejos to NXT-Mindstorm-Bricks), and you just downloaded the current Driver from Lego’s Download-Site, your installation will fail if you are using a 64bit-Windows. The reason for this is a slightly defect setup.ini-file, which refers to a LegoMindstormsNXTdriver64Supp.msi which does not exist.

I don’t know when Lego will fix this (current version 1.2.0 still has the problem), but there is an easy workaround:

  • Download the File, Unzip it
  • Go to „NXT Fantom Drivers\NXT Fantom Drivers\Windows\1.2\1.2.0, open setup.ini in your favorite editor (still using notepad???)
  • Search for the line „[LegoMindstormsNXTdriver64Supp.msi]“
  • In the next line, enter another, valid path (even if it has nothing to do with the Driver-Support). e.g. change it to „Path=Products\LEGO_NXT_Driver_64\NXT_D02\LegoMindstormsNXTdriver64.msi“. Save the file
  • Start the normal setup.exe
  • When the installer asks you which components you want do install, deselect the „LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT x64 Driver Support“ LegoInstaller
  • Finish the rest of the installer with the defaults, everything should run smooth now. The Driver-Support files are not necessary for normal use

One last thing: Lejos needs a 32bit-JDK, which is not included in the 64bit-JDK. On 64bit-Windows, you probably want to install both JDKs.

And now for something completly different

Last Post today: Three good reads!
1) Peter Hallam from Microsoft, pointing out the important thing of a good IDE. He starts with the experience that developers spend 2-5% of their time in writing new Code, 20-25% in modifying existing Code and the rest of the time in reading and understanding old Code, and therefore concludes:

If we spent a ton of work, making intellisense, designers and wizards so good that writing new code took no time at all. Zero time. The ESP coding interface. That would still have less developer impact than a 10% reduction in the amount of time developers spend understanding the code base they are working in.

Looking at Xcode: Apple is near to zero time for producing new Code. The Sceleton of a simple app can be made on a rainy afternoon (how great is Core Data combined with Bindings? Whoooha).
But then? Modifying Code is horrible. No refactoring at all. If you have ever used eclipse oder intelliJ, you know what would be possible, and you will miss it. I mean, XCode doesn’t even let you change a Class name without giving you a headache. And how easy would it be to automaticaly prepare an Interface-File?
But reading Code is even worse. No block-folding. No Class-Inspectors. No Jump-to-Class-Definition-Shortcut. No visual Flow-Representation.
I really do like coding in XCode. I really do like fast results. But if I am honest to myself: It’s an IDE from the old days, where Marketing Features were everything and real use didn’t count. I really hope that Apple goes into a direction, towards which even Microsoft is headed for some years now…

2) Eric Lippert, taking on Hallams post. Why Programming looks like Rocket Science, but really is more like brain surgery, and why software engineering should transform it to Rocket Science again.

3) Paul Thurrott ranting about Windows Vista. Thurrott, the guy dissing OS X for not running Minesweeper, the one who accused Apple of stealing Spotlight, Aqua, Filevault, the Dock and even Expose from Microsoft, this Paul Thurrott blames Microsoft failing with Vista. I always knew that Microsoft will fall someday. Sometimes I even thought, that it could be within the next 30 years. Sometimes I even hoped, that Linux will be the Destroyer, and very rarely I dreamed of Apple winning the next round. But know, with a Microsoft-Fan like Thurrott ranting about Windows Vista and blaming Redmond to fail miserably, not being able to make a big OS-transition anymore, there’s only one thing left to say: „Welcome back to the fight. This time, I know our side will win!“

Microsoft revolutioniert Web 2.0

Nein, ich werde nicht zum grossen Web 2.0-Fan, aber die Story von Pctipp zu den Neuerungen von Windows Live fand ich dann doch etwas überzogen:

So soll der Dienst künftig die Anzeige von Bildern in RSS-Feeds unterstützen. Ausserdem sei eine Funktion vorgesehen, die Fernsehsendungen empfiehlt. Besonders interessant: Microsoft plant angeblich ein Update für Windows XP, das es ermöglicht, mit der Maus Elemente von Windows Live auf den Desktop zu ziehen und umgekehrt.

OK, ich gebe zu, ich habe noch nicht richtig begriffen, was Windows Live genau sein soll (als Safari-User bin ich leider ausgeschlossen), soweit ich dies begriffen habe, will Redmond damit auf den ganzen Web 2.0-Hype aufspringen und diverse kleine Online-Tools bringen, insbesondere Widgets, einen RSS-News-Aggregator, irgendwann soll auch mal ein Skype-Ähnliches Audio-IM angekündigt worden sein.
Und nun das: Ein Fernsehprogramm samt Empfehlungen, und vor allem die Revolution in Sachen RSS: Feeds mit Bilder, die man sogar auf den Desktop ziehen kann (auch wenn es dafür ein Windows-Update benötigt). Verkauft Eure Google- und Yahoo-Aktion, Redmond übernimmt das Web2.0!
Hallo? Alles noch in Ordnung? Wieder zuviel geraucht gestern?
Ich meine es geht ja nicht nur darum, dass Apple schon längst Feeds mit Audio- und Video-Inhalten massenfähig gemacht hat, und simples Drag and Drop seit 1984 kennt – aber diese hochkomplexen Features sind nun wirklich seit längerem auch auf der Windows-Plattform verfügbar. Und eine solche Meldung wird von pctipp auch noch verbreitet?

Schlussfolgerung für Mullzk: Web 2.0 scheint vor allem etwas zu verändern – der Drang der ganz Grossen, möglichst keinen Zug zu verpassen, und sei das Produkt auch zu lächerlich, um in der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert zu werden. Google Video? RSS-Aggregator ohne Bilder? Drag and Drop nur per Update des Betriebssystem? Hahh, hauptsache wir sind dabei…